For growing people

We have a strong emphasis on growing people, not an organisation.

We put more value in character development than on ministry or natural gifts. We build from inside out.

Every person serving on any form of leadership (of people, not projects) within BTBAB are required to do the discipler’s course. (

We believe a healthy focus of anyone in leadership in the Body of Christ should be to grow people through one-to-one discipleship over a period of 6-12months (Mt 28: 19).

The following are a requirement of senior leadership within BTBAB, or those seeking to serve as Field workers (from the UK) on behalf of BTBAB in the developing world:

  • Be an active member of their local church and as such joining BTBAB should be as a blessing from a local church to the developing world.
  • Actively seeking to or engaged in providing discipleship to a person in their local community.
  • Attend The Discipler’s Workshop, run by our partnership organisation Water From the Rock – go to

For Mission Trips

Every year, as a leadership, we seek God to raise up team leaders and we support them as they decide which nation to go to.  We aim to send out at least one mission team once a year. we aim to support team leaders as they decide which nation to go to.

We invest in initiatives that transform lives, not just meet needs. We build from the inside out.

We invest in nations and people in order to empower them to become dependent on God.

With a biblical foundation in place (Eph. 2: 19-22), the primary focus of missions is to make disciples of Christ by sharing His life, message and love – a local church is by-product of this, not the focus (Mt 28: 19).

God calls us to be catalysts in His redemptive plan on the earth.

The following are a requirement of mission teams:

  • Be a committed Christian
  • Able to pay for your own expenses
  • Attend a minimum of 2 out of 3 training sessions
  • Be part of a local church (or working towards it)

We seek to work through local churches in the nations where we are privileged to serve in.

For the Ana Claudia Initiative

We believe God blesses us beyond our needs to be a blessing to others.

We are more than a charity: we are a Christian organisation who believe in empowering young people to realise their full potential in God.

We train our teams to be aware of 4 Faces of poverty and identify the one face that meets our criteria.

We invest only in sustainable initiatives that can be followed up from conception to completion.

We support individuals, not schools or projects.

Our recipients are all from the developing world, and are the poor or neglected of our world.

Our recipients are older children as well as young people roughly between age 12 – 35yrs (subject to change).

Our recipients have potential in transforming their immediate communities, and the world around them.

Our recipients must be able to prove that they are responsible and demonstrate a willingness to complete their education within the specified period.

For the Macedonian Call Initiative

We believe God calls believers everywhere to share the gospel both in words and through being a witness in our daily lives (Rom 10: 14-15).

We believe missionaries are called to a life of faith – totally depending on God for their needs like the Levites (Lev 18: 1-8). As a result, BTBAB is NOT responsible for the financial needs of missionaries. They must trust God for their needs (Luke 10: 1-9).

We actively promote the sending out of people as a biblical new testament model (Acts 13: 1-5). We recognise 3 categories* of missions and BTBAB seeks to facilitate short-term & medium-term missions

Through MCI our partners can support a missionary serving in one or more of the following areas:

  • Unreached people groups (Acts 17: 22-31)
  • Persecuted or the suffering churches (Jn 15:18-21)
  • Children/Women at Risk (Acts 6: 1-7; James 1:27)
  • Communities severely marginalised due to poverty (Mt 25: 31-40)

The MCI is generally intended to give support for a year but in exceptional situations may be extended.

BTBAB workers who have led at least one mission trip & had 3months training can serve under the MCI

*3 Missions types: Short-term (<12months); Medium term (<2yrs); Long-term (over 2yrs)

For Becoming part of the BTBAB volunteer Team

The BTBAB Team consist of a Board of Directors accountable to a Board of Trustees and, supported by a team of Coordinators. All are volunteers.

All BTBAB Team members must fulfil the following requirements before joining as volunteers:

• Be active part of a local church life.

Have a minimum 2yrs serving within the life of the local church (minimum 5yrs for Directors).

At the least, must have a heart for missions (or called to a lifetime work in missions if a Director).

• *Have been on at least 1 BTBAB mission trips+

• Have been to at least one of the annual retreats.

*Has served in missions for a minimum of 6-months (including teams led by a BTBAB Director). **Field-workers have a different path

• Can commit to at least 2years with BTBAB.

*Trustees exempted; +Directors are required to have led 3 teams

** Local field workers (on the field) are not official workers of BTBAB because they are financial beneficiaries of community transformation. But BTBAB workers can be field workers under the MCI wherewith they live by faith

For Leadership & Organisation

We preach what we already practice.

We value integrity, transparency and a servant-heart as an integral part of our lives.

We value discipleship as a healthy (biblical) model for personal transformation. As a result, our focus is to grow people, not an organisation.

Prayer is an integral part of how we function: Every vision/program rises and falls at the place of prayer.

We function at 3 levels of accountability:

Trustees’ Boardconsists of mature Christian leaders from various walks of life who have a heart for missions. They are an advisory board to the organisation and godly filters of info from the visionary.

Directors’ Board – we are in the process of transitioning the organisation and restructuring how we work. Currently there is an Executive Director who works at an operational level and we have a trainee Director who is over the Gap Year Intern Programme. The Executive Director is accountable to the Trustees.

Coordinators – administrate various initiatives within the ministry. Accountable to the Executive Director (who will eventually hand on to the National Director)