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According to the countdown I now have 18 days before I leave the country! Eek, its coming round fast!

Since my last update I have successfully completed my visa application, which was a very painful process! All visa applications now have to be done online, but previously you just posted an application form and your passport.  The new online system was difficult because the system kept crashing, or refusing to upload the photos or pdf documents.  After a lot of help from a guy in my church, I managed to succeed.  I think I spend somewhere in the region of 20 hours just trying to complete it.  But praise God, the visa arrived this morning (as captured in the photo above)!

I have also finished my TEFL qualification so I am ‘technically’ qualified to teach English, but I don’t have much experience yet.  We shall see how God uses this skill…..

In the next few weeks I will be wrapping up all my work here in the UK and being prayed out from my church before leaving on 12th November. Not long now!