by Esther Price
We thank God for a successful trip to Malawi last month. The Malawi team were the first to experience the ‘new look’ training weekend, where we used the interim mission base for accommodation and used a local language school for training.
As the flat only has 2 bedrooms and we had a team of 5, I moved out for the weekend, to make the team more comfortable, but also to get to know each other better. We also used an outside caterer which worked very well. Now we have successfully used this model we can continue to replicate this. Obviously our long term goal is to have a permanent mission base in Liverpool, but we wait on God’s timing for this.
Our next trip is to Northern Ireland and Scotland in the summer of 2025 for 10 days. This is the fulfillment of the word I had in 2020 to go round the four nations of the UK. After being in England in the summer of 2021 and Wales in the Spring of 2022 this will be the final trip. The dates are to be confirmed, but applications are open on the website.
Also in the planning stages is a trip to India in Spring 2025, led by Tina Falvey. Further details are on our website.